2007–2014: Ph.D.; Archeology, faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague
2009–2014: Mgr.; Geology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk Univerity Brno
1999–2005: Mgr.; Archeology, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University Brno
2016: Universitat Autónoma, Barcelona, Spain
2015: Eberhadt Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany (1 month)
2014: Universitat Autónoma, Barcelona, Spain
2013: Universitat Autónoma, Barcelona, Spain
2003–2004: Departamento de historia y arqueología, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain (10 months)
Regular Lectures
Field Archeology
Jagošová K., Moník M., Kapusta J., Pechancová R., Nádvorníková J., Fojtík P., Kurka O., Závodná T., Bednář T., Richtera L., Kučera L. 2022. Secret recipe revealed: Chemical evaluation of raw colouring mixtures from Early 19th century Moravia. Molecules 27 (16). doi: 10.3390/molecules27165205.
Pankowská A., Žižková A., Kapusta J., Moník M. 2022. Variation in human bone bioerosion during the Late Eneolithic/Bronze Age in Moravia (Czech Republic): A novel approach to BSE-SEM image quality and quantity assessment. Archaeometry, doi: 10.1111/arcm.12816.
Moník M., Delgado-Raack S., Hadraba H., Jech D., Risch R. 2021. Rock physics and the circulation of Neolithic axeheads in Central Europe and the western Mediterranean. Wear 474 – 475, doi:10.1016/j.wear.2021.203708.
Moník M., Hadraba H., Milde D., Chlup Z., Nerudová Z., Schnabl P. 2021. Heat treatment and mechanics of Moravian Jurassic cherts. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13 (10), doi: 10.1007/s12520-021-01388-z.
Moník, M., Nerudová, Z., Schnabl, P. 2021. Investigation of heat-treated artefacts from Pleistocene sites. Journal of Archaeological Science-Reports 37, doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.102920.
Moník M., Pankowská A. 2020. Settlement Patterns of the Late Palaeolithic in Bohemia and Moravia. In: Grimm S., Weber M.J., Mevel L., Sobkowiak-Tabaka I. (eds.), From the Atlantic to beyond the Bug River. Finding and Defining the Federmesser-Gruppen/Azilian. Propylaeum, Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg/Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz, Heidelberg, pp. 79–90.
Moník, M., Nerudová, Z., Schnabl. P. 2020. The search for fireplaces in Moravian (Czech Republic) Late Glacial sites. Anthropologie (Brno) 68(2-3), 311–322.
Hlubek L., Moník M., Kapusta J., 2019. Raně středověké sídliště v Žerotíně, trať Cepový rybník. Archeologia Historica 44, 2, 603–621.
Moník M., Eigner J., 2019. Raw material distribution in the Late Pallaeolithic of Bohemia and Moravia. In: Eriksen, B. V., Rensink, E., Harris, S. (eds.), The Final Palaeolithic of Northern Eurasia, Proceedings of the Amersfoort, Schleswig and Burgos UISPP Commission Meetings, Schriften des Museums für Archäologie Schloss Gottorf, Erzähungsreihe, Band 13, Ludwig Verlag, 247–256.
Moník M., Nerudová Z., Schnabl P., Kdýr Š., Hadraba H., 2019. Did heat treatment of flints take place in the Moravian Magdalenian? The case of Balcarka Cave. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, 610–620.
Moník M., Záhorák V., Drozd J., Němcová V., 2019. Magdalenian with microlithic triangles revisited: the case of the Hranice na Moravě III – Velká Kobylanka site (Přerov district, Czech Republic). Archeologické rozhledy 71, 347–372.
Moník M., Eigner J., 2019. Raw material distribution in the Late Palaeolithic of Bohemia and Moravia. In: Valentin-Eriksen B., Rensink E., Harris S. (Eds.): The Final Paleolithic of Northern Eurasia, Schriften des Museum für Archäologie Schloss Gottorf, Ludwig Verlag, 13, 247–256.
Moník M., Eigner J., 2019. Raw material distribution in the Late Palaeolithic of Bohemia and Moravia. In: Valentin-Eriksen B., Rensink E., Harris S. (Eds.): The Final Paleolithic of Northern Eurasia, Schriften des Museum für Archäologie Schloss Gottorf, Ludwig Verlag, 13, 247–256.
Pankowská A., Moník M., Nechvátal M., 2018. Reading the silhouettes of burnt dead: using elemental analysis (pXRF) to identify Late Bronze and Early Iron Age urn cenotaphs. Anthropologie 56, 1, 39–52.
Moník M., Lenďáková Z., Ibáñez J.J., Muñiz J., Borell F., Iriarte E., Teira L., Kuda F., 2018. Revealing early villages – Pseudo-3D ERT geophysical survey at the pre-pottery Neolithic site of Kharaysin, Jordan. Archaeological Prospection 25, 339–346.
Moník M., Nerudová Z., Schnabl P., 2017. Experimental heating of Moravian cherts and its implication for palaeolithic chipped stone assemblages. Archaeometry 59, 6, 1190–1206.
Pankowská A., Moník M., 2017. Evidence of innovation and social differentition in burial practices in Early Bronze Age Moravia. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 9, 5, 915–933. doi:10.1007/s12520-016-0313-4
Moník M., Hadraba H., 2016. Mechanical characterization of raw material quality and its implication for Early Upper Palaeolithic Moravia. Quaternary International 425, 425–436. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2016.08.042
Dehnerová H., Martínek J., Moník M., Šlézar P., 2015. Archaeological and geophysical investigation and 3D visualization at the Jánský Vech castle in Javorník (Czech Republic). Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica 6, 1, 83–92.
Moník M., Sedláček J., 2014. Electric resistivity tomography and magnetic susceptibility measurements at the Baden Culture site Stavenice-Úsov (Czech Republic). Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica 6, 2, 131–138.
Moník M., Vích D., 2014. Pozdně paleolitická stanice z Bohuňovic na Litomyšlsku. Archeologické rozhledy 66, 67-93.
Pankowská A., Průchová E., Moník M., Nováková N., 2014. Taphonomy of cremation burials: excavation and deposition bias in bone preservation. In: O. Chvojka et al. (eds): Fines Transire 23, 223–231.
Vránová V., Vrána J., Moník M., 2014. Doklady zpracování železa na hradě Tepenci. Archaelogia Historica 39, 639–647.
Moník M., Šlézar P., 2013. An analysis of metalworking by-products from the medieval town of Uničov. Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica 3, 2, 197–203.
Moník M., 2013. Analysis of chipped and polished stone industries from the LBK settlement at Bravantice. In: Cheben I., Soják M., eds.: Otázky neolitu a eneolitu našich krajín 2010, Nitra, 197–214.
Moník M., Chrámecký M., 2012. Investigation of the graveyard of the All Saints church in Metylovice. Študijné zvesti 52, 41–50.
Moník M., 2012. Hunter-gatherer site at Vladislav. Archeologické rozhledy 64, 3, 508–524.
Kalábková P., Moník M., Cheben M., 2007. Kostelec na Hané, sídliště lengyelské kultury, ARF 9, Olomouc. ISBN – 978-80-86989-09-9
Moník M., Plaštiaková M., Kováčik P., Cheben M., 2007. Rýžoviště v údolí zámeckého potoka v Zlatých Horách, Stříbrná Jihlava, 76-81.
2016 – What Aurignacian facies occupied the Moravian Gate? The case of Salaš I and IV sites, 58th Annual Meeting of Hugo Obermaier Society in Budapest, March 31 2016, Budapest, Hungary.
2015 – Chipped stone material quality and its implication for the Upper Palaeolithic of Moravia (Czech Republic), INAA Kolloquium, November 27 2015, Eberhadt Karls Universität Tübingen, Německo.
2015 – Experimental heating of Moravian (Czech Republic) cherts of Stránská skála and Krumlovský les, 12th SKAM Lithic Workshop, 15-16 October 2015, Biskupin, Polsko.
2015 – Geofyzikální prospekce v archeologických lokalitách Kharaysin a Jebel al-Mutawwaq (Jordánsko), Otevřený kongres České geologické společnosti a Slovenskej geologickej spoločnosti, Mikulov, 14.–17. 10. 2015.
2015 – Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in Moravia as a raw material supply change, XIth CHAGS Conference on hunter-gatherer societies, September 7–11 2015, Vídeň, Rakousko.
2014 – Settlement strategy in the Late Palaeolithic of Bohemia and Moravia, UISPP Congress, Burgos, September 1–7 2014, Španělsko.
2013 – Raw material distribution in the Late Palaeolithic of Bohemia and Moravia, UISPP meeting: „The Final Palaeolithic of Northern Eurasia“, Schleswig, Německo.
2013 – Geofyzikální prospekce na eneolitickém hradisku Stavenice – Úsov, Otázky neolitu a eneolitu našich zemí, Rimavská Sobota, Slovensko.
Katedra geologie je moderním pracovištěm Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci, které zajišťuje akreditované univerzitní studium v geologických a environmentálních oborech.
Katedra geologie
Přírodovědecká fakulta UP
17. listopadu 1192/12
Olomouc 771 46
+420 585 634 531
Department of Geology
Faculty of Science
Palacký University Olomouc
17. listopadu 1192/12
Olomouc, 771 46
Telephone: +420 585 634 531
E-mail: petra.ctvrtlikova@upol.cz