Education and Career

  • 2007–2011: Ph.D.; VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mining and Geology, programme Geological engineering
  • 2001–2007: Ing.; VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mining and Geology, programme Geological engineering

Educational activities

Lectures and Tutorials

  • Geology

  • Inanimate Nature

  • Fundamentals of Regional Geology of the Czech Republic

  • Basics of Engineering Geology

  • Regional Geology of the Czech Republic

  • Geology of Protected Areas in Czech Republic

  • Field Trip in Geology and Geomorphology

  • Field Trip in Regional Geology

  • Field Trip in Historical Geology

  • Field Labs in Environmental Geology 1, 2

  • Geology of Middle East


Research activities

Research interest

  • Geology of coal basins


  • Czech Science Foundatuion (GAČR) Lead Agency, reg. No. 22-11661K: Towards integrated stratigraphy of the Late Paleozoic in eastern equatorial Pangea (2022-2024)


  • Opluštil S., Laurin, J., Hýlová, L., Jirásek J., Schmitz M., Sivek M. (2022): Coal-bearing fluvial cycles of the late Paleozoic tropics; astronomical control on sediment supply constrained by high-precision radioisotopic ages, Upper Silesian Basin. Earth-Science Reviews, vol. 228, article No. 103998.
  • Volatile matter content of the bituminous coal – Not only chemical-technological parameter | Zawartość czȩści lotnych w wȩglach kamiennych – parametr nie tylko chemiczno-technologiczny. Sivek, M., Jirásek, J., Hýlova, L., Mirkowski, Z. Przeglad Geologiczny, 2018, 66(8), pp. 477–480

  • Coal-bearing capacity of the petřkovice member (ostrava formation, Serpukhovian, Mississippian) of the upper silesian basin (Czech Republic and Poland). Hýlová, L., Jirásek, J., Sivek, M., Jureczka, J. Geological Quarterly, 2016, 60(3), pp. 637–649

  • The Main Ostrava Whetstone: Composition, sedimentary processes, palaeogeography and geochronology of a major Mississippian volcaniclastic unit of the Upper Silesian Basin (Poland and Czech Republic). Jirásek, J., Hýlová, L., Sivek, M., …Sýkorová, I., Schmitz, M. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2013, 102(4), pp. 989–1006

  • The Petřkovice Member (Ostrava Formation, Mississippian) of the Upper Silesian Basin (Czech Republic and Poland). Hýlová, L., Jureczka, J., Jirásek, J., Sivek, M., Hotárková, J. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2013, 106, pp. 11–24

  • Lateral development of coalification in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin and its connection with gas deposits. Kandarachevová, J., Sedláčková, L., Hýlová, L., Jirásek, J., Sivek, M. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2009, 78(3), pp. 225–232